Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Wishful Wednesday's

I started a blog..........then I got the bed unable to move kinda sick......for almost an entire month. Just a simple little sinus infection that created havoc with my entire body. I'm on the road to recovery now and am so thankful. When you are that sick - it takes everything you've got to just get out of bed and take care of the every day chores (even brushing my hair was a task). I'm so thankful to say - I'm back on the road to recovery and have a ton of energy to get rid of! So it's back to blogging..........

I'm a dreamer.

Always have been.........always will be.

When I was a little girl - I loved to look through the Sears Catalog - especially during the Christmas Season. I would spend hours dreaming of new clothes, toys, bikes, and bedroom furniture. I was always allowed to make my Christmas list from the catalog -needless to say my list changed at least a dozen times - of course the last revision being the night before my Mama would place her order at Sears.

I still do this......I love me a catalog ......

be it Pottery Barn, Garnett Hill, Pampered Chef, etc... give me a catalog with "Stuff" in it - I'm a happy girl - love looking and dreaming.

Now that internet is here and everything is available at the touch of a finger...........well.......for a dreamer that could be disasterous - you could get lost and sidetracked for days surfing around .......just "lookin and dreamin". So I've decided to declare Wednesday's from here on as my "Wishful Wednesday's". I'll make Wednesday's my "dreamin" days and I will share with you some of my finds here on my blog.....

Today I've found some lovely little items at Anthropologies - (one of my very favorite stores for dreaming). I was on a kitchen theme today ......

Birdie Dish Towel

Flower Measuring Cups

Sweet Little Apron

"Not for the grand cause, necessarily - but for something that tugs at your heart, something that's your aspiration, something that's your dream."

Author UnKnown - from Dream Big

I hope you all have a lovely, sunshiny day!