Friday, September 24, 2010

"The Heart of Life"

Fall is officially here ....... maybe it doesn't quite feel like it with temps in the upper 90's and even reaching into the 100's here in the sultry South. But it is of my favorite seasons - but a season that always makes me reminisce.....this year I seem to be remembering things from my childhood such as.....

afternoon naps with my grandmother ~ playhouses made of dirt floors and trees serving as dividers for rooms (we had mansions - I tell you!) ~ mud pies ~ pedal cars ~

paper dolls (the kind cut out from magazines or catalogs) ~ Bonanza ~
the slinky ~ spinning tops ~ jacks ~ mexican jumping beans ~ special walks in the "grove" to find the best colored leaves ~

 Red Rover Red Rover ~ Nancy Drew Books ~

 Fields and Fields of snow white cotton ~ four-o-clocks ~ hydrangea's ~

 apple fights in the apple orchard ~ the grocery man (a couple of times a month he would come by and you could purchase your groceries from the truck) ~

 swimming in the TN river on the Natchez Trace ~
 swinging so high that I thought if I got just a little higher......I could really touch the sky.... 

 and my very favorite memory of all.......sitting at my grandmother's feet with my head resting on her lap......she would rub my hair and sometimes sing songs to me (I continued this routine up into my adult life!)..........although, she has been gone for twenty years - I still miss her  - especially during the  Fall ~ she gave love unconditionally

What's some of your special memories?

Childhood is the most beautiful of all life's seasons.  ~Author Unknown

Much love to you all and wishing you nothing but those sunshiny kinda days.


  1. this was absolutely wonderful :) it made me go back in time to remembering the special moments of my childhood...and how "homesick" I am....

  2. beautiful, becky...beautiful. i remember the apple orchard and running through it...and you sitting in grandmother's lap. :)

  3. I remember so many of the same things! The picnics at Natchez Trace, the cotton fields...our grandmother and all her knicknacks!

    This post reminds me of something I did some years ago, and I'm going to try and find it and post it...and after you read it, I challenge you to do one, too!

    Beautiful entry...fall is the best time of year. Love you!

  4. Beautiful memories. I remember the sound of as we crunched them under our feet walking to school.

    Loved playing Jacks, Mom and I used to it. I wrote a blog post/memory about it awhile back in alphabetical memories of her, on Sandy's Space, my personal blog.

    We made our mansions using blankets and sheets on the clothes line.

    Thank you so much for adding our blog badge for the Bridge to help spread the word. I appreciate that alot. The more helping hands means more people in need we can help.

